Facts About Palm Trees


Palm tree (plural: palmi) is an ancient tropical plant with a vast assortment of natural habitats. It is indigenous to Central and South America, to the African Sahel, to portions of Malaysia and Pacific Islands, and in some areas of Australia. The Arecaceae is part of the palm family, The genus Allocacea, where the palm is a part. The Arecaceae comprises approximately five hundred species of living plants.

Facts About Palm Trees

DescriptionThe Arecaceae is part of the palm family, The genus Allocacea, where the palm tree is a part. Wikipedia contains an image of a palm tree, and this article refers to a real specimen instead of descriptions of real palms. The Arecaceae includes approximately five hundred species of plants. All palms share a common ancestry, which goes back centuries. Allocatric palms have a tapering trunk, which begins as short as ten or twelve inches, and thins as it grows.

Facts About Palm Trees

SizeIn general, palms are beautiful when they’re young, but a few have exceptionally big and thick trunks that can reach one and a half inches in height, with a dispersing trunk foundation. The main difference between a palm tree and a cactus, is that palms don’t grow directly from a cactus’ stem. Instead, the division of a palm tree grows out of a lateral division of the primary trunk. The palm tree develops gradually and many take a long time to develop a full size trunk. The main trunk of this palm tree grows around forty centimeters in length and the branches up to twenty five centimeters in diameter. The flowers on an Allocacycla tree can reach up to fifty blossoms in a calendar year, making it among the most prolific flowers in the world.

Facts About Palm Trees

LocationThe palms can be found throughout the majority of Africa and Asia, with the Andes Mountains in South America being the very famous for these. They are also found on islands such as Madagascar and the Lesser Antilles. Palm trees have turned into a significant agricultural plant, growing everywhere from Africa to the Himalayas. They are used for roofing, for harvesting nuts and other ingredients, for decorative purposes, and also for lining staircases and walls. They’re considered a luxury great by many and will fetch high prices at auctions around the world.

DistributionThe Allocacycla species have a broad distribution in various areas of earth, except for the Andes. There are two subspecies of Allocacycla, with a single living on islands in the southern hemisphere, known as Andrographis leucogenys, along with the other Andrographis dominicanus, on islands in the Pacific Ocean. The most abundant species is known as Allocacycla Barbae, with approximately ten million hands spanning the entire of South America. Palm trees are common in low-lying locations, swamps, floodplains, and areas.

Shape & GrowthThe palms grow tall and slender, with streamlined branches reaching up to thirty feet in height. The taproots grow vertically in the soil, while the airborne portion of the stem grows vertical. Palm trees generally keep fruits between July and November, with the amount of flowers increasing annually. Flowers rise in May and bloom for two to six weeks. The leaves grow in clusters on the undersides of the palms.

Trunk diameter & GrowthA palm tree’s back is actually its largest part, and the most visible part of the tree. Its trunk consists of a couple of main trunk branches, and there are lots of smaller branches off primary trunk branches. The trunk width varies greatly, depending upon the species. The trunk’s length, including all of the branches, is about twice the palm’s height.

Flowering & reproduction blossoms appear on the undersides of the leaves during the spring. Palm fronds are little, black-purple flowers, which open in a soft pink balloon shape. The fronds could be affixed to the trunk to aid in support. The leaves of palm trees available in a broad circular manner, instead of the smooth opening of a typical tree foliage.

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